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Work & Play: Our Ural Sidecar Motorcycle

AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days

Every year, motorcyclists from all over the USA and beyond make the pilgrimage to AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course. We are longtime attendees to the large venue and have walked and golf-carted the entire place while shooting photos for the AMA. This time, our Ural Motorcycles “cT” was our transportation of choice to help us cover a lot of ground and carry our photo equipment.

Ural Sidecar at Mid-Ohio VMD

Shooting for AMA

AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days

This is a behind-the-scenes look at how we maximized our work and play at VMD on our newest sidecar (seen here in “Terracotta Red”). The Ural felt right at home surrounded by vintage motorcycles with origins from all over the world. People who come here are pure enthusiasts and countless passersby gave us a thumbs-up in approval.

Good Spark Ural cT

Tens of thousands of attendees come to peruse VMD’s swap meet, one of the biggest in the country. The large trunk and sidecar tub make for a great parts-hauler; a handy way to carry spoils back to your campsite. The campground is an event within an event here, so it’s fun to ride over and see what entertaining activities the folks are up to. To avoid the long, hot walk from the infield, we simply fired up the cT and dropped in on the action in a few short minutes.

Good Spark Ural cruising Mid-Ohio Sportscar Course

AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days

With many road miles logged on this 2016 model, an off-road excursion was in order. Corey jumped off the asphalt and took a few hot laps around the mini-bike dirt track after the races ended, kicking up dust and prompting smiles from onlookers. Just outside the edge of the venue’s lawn, he dropped down into the wooded trails to climb hills and tackle ruts and roots. See the video below for a sampling of how the cT rises to the occasion.


The cT is Ural’s ideal road-riding option with a lighter weight and lower profile, but that won’t keep you from taking the road less travelled. For us, our motorcycle sidecars help make our job easy and fun. These machines inspire us to go out find adventure everywhere whether it’s near or far, in the city or in the hills.

Exploring on the GSG Ural cT

Mid-Ohio Trail Ride

Click here to learn more about Ural Motorcycles.

The Ural in these photos features these Ural accessories: Luggage Rack, Reverse Hand Shifter, First Aid Box.

Follow us on various channels, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, for more motorcycle fun and nostalgia.

To learn more about AMAVMD, visit AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days.

AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days

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