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How to Ride a Sidecar Motorcycle

Ural Motorcycles and Good Spark Garage

As avid sidecar riders, we’re often asked what it’s like or how different it is from riding a motorcycle. Quick answer: it’s fun…and different! For a more in-depth answer, we made this video explaining why we think riding a sidecar motorcycle might be easier than you think. Enjoy this video, get out and practice, then plan an adventure near or far!

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Festival of Machines at Conner Prairie

Festival of Machines - Connor Prairie

Over 6,000 people attended Festival of Machines at Conner Prairie, a weekend that celebrates unique modes of transportation with a focus on history and innovation. We were thankful to have been a part of the third annual event with a sidecar display featuring our Ural Motorcycles. Check out the scene in this photo-story!

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Ride to Work Day

Wilkinson Brothers Ural cT

It’s a motorcycle-commute kinda day. Some folks are able to ride to work almost every day (they’re lucky) and some have a commute or job that makes it difficult to ride in. We understand completely and often take the trucks, but today we felt the sun on our backs and the wind in our face!

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