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John Penton and His Motorcycles


If you’ve got kids that are into motorcycles, take a moment and introduce them to the story of John Penton. They’ll hear how a kid from a Midwestern farm grew up pursuing his passion with hard work, joy, pain and a ton of determination.

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Family Time at AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days

Janus Motorcycles - Richard and Amy

As part of our continued coverage of AMAVMD, we wanted to put a spotlight on how motorcycles play a role in family fun. Whether it’s couples, siblings, or parents and their children, you’ll see thousands of people using motorcycles as their vehicle for quality time.

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Festival of Machines at Conner Prairie

Festival of Machines - Connor Prairie

Over 6,000 people attended Festival of Machines at Conner Prairie, a weekend that celebrates unique modes of transportation with a focus on history and innovation. We were thankful to have been a part of the third annual event with a sidecar display featuring our Ural Motorcycles. Check out the scene in this photo-story!

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The Wall of Death


“That’s entertainment,” I heard someone say. The crowd cheered, peering down into the Wall of Death, a worn wooden motordrome with nicks and scars. The American Motor Drome Company clearly has this nostalgic stunt show dialed in as “America’s original extreme motorcycle show.”

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