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The Wall of Death


“That’s entertainment,” I heard someone say. The crowd cheered, peering down into the Wall of Death, a worn wooden motordrome with nicks and scars. The American Motor Drome Company clearly has this nostalgic stunt show dialed in as “America’s original extreme motorcycle show.”

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Mama Tried Motorcycle Show 2016

Mama Tried Motorcycle Show

We appreciate a good, midwestern bike event. Chicago, Louisville, Indy, Cincy and, for this story, Milwaukee; they’re towns with a quiet patina inhabited by hardworking, humble people. Many of these good people also like to have fun, like Scott Johnson and Warren Heir, Jr. These guys have a healthy respect for motorcycle culture and their well-earned reputation in the region drew thousands of likeminded fanatics to the Mama Tried Motorcycle Show.

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Sights & Sounds of Flat Track Racing


The ambience of flat track racing is captivating. It’s the oldest, most traditional motorcycle competition sanctioned by AMA Pro Racing. During the Indy Mile at the Indianapolis State Fairgrounds, we recorded this soundscape with a visual sampling of the uniquely American flat track scene (watch the video below).

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