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Interview: Eric Anderson of AMotoCo Photography

AMotoCo - Norton Race Bike

Eric Anderson is an Indianapolis-based photographer and motorcyclist who creatively captures the mood that emanates from fuel-burning machinery. As an architect, evidence of his trade shows up in his work; he creates strong compositions where the hero of the image is often metal framework or a mechanical harmony of engine components. We wanted to share with you a window into the world of AMotoCo: Moto Inspired Photography.

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Rockers Reunion Trophy Unveiling & Art Show

Rockers Reunion Trophy Unveiling & Art Show

As a prelude to the big Rockers Reunion Indy event, Ton Up Indianapolis hosted a gallery event to unveil the trophies that would be awarded at the June 1st bike show. We headed downtown, toward Fountain Square, to check out the motorcycle-related art, photography and handcrafted trophies. The weather was perfect, a nice Spring primer to the warm-weather motorcycling ahead.

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The ICON Airmada Medicine Man Helmet

Icon Airmada Medicine Man Helmet

We appreciate layers of synthetic stuff that lessen the impact between skulls and things that are harder than skulls. At ICON Motosports, there’s some impressive tech goin’ on within the structure of their helmets, but they value a killer facade, too. So do we. Read how we helped design an aggressive skin for their beautifully-sculpted Airmada shell. Meet the recently launched Medicine Man

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The Oldsmodesk

Look through the front window of our studio and you’ll see the Oldsmodesk peering back out at you. A 1953 Oldsmobile 88, found deep in the woods of central Indiana, came back to life as a workstation for our Indy-area graphic design office, Wilkinson Brothers, Inc. Here’s a look at how we repurposed some Detroit steel and retained its character and patina.

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Happy Halloween from Good Spark Garage

Our friend and fellow designer, Jeremiah Kuch, texted us one day in early October saying we should make a three-quarter helmet out of a pumpkin. We said, “that’s brilliant.” So we made a three-quarter helmet out of a pumpkin and rode an ol’ motorcycle around our office (Wilkinson Bros Design). Pull up a chair, grab some candy corn and watch the vid, you’ll see Corey riding a Honda CL360 that belongs to another good friend of ours (thanks, Steve!).

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